Friday, March 25, 2011

Going to Work

 This great work of mine can be seen at the Cincinnati Museum of Art in Cincinnati Ohio USA. Please visit  that great gallery !

 "Going to Work ." Web. 25 Mar 2011.


  1. This painting is very beautiful and seems to try to be telling a story! But lets be honest it's adequately depressing! I think the painting is lacking an amount of vibrant colors! It also doesn't help that the painting is a picture of common folk, no one wants to see that! People want to see, and learn more about the lavish life lead by the rich and famous!

  2. This painting is marvelous. Thats right o'l chaps.. I said marvelous.

  3. HA! Ignorant Melba, perhaps you are not well informed about the ways of realism! The gritty truths of nature! The everyday, down to earth characters! I think my many successful paintings of peasants (which all have earned me the hearts of the common Frenchmen) show your logic in visual arts is deeply flawed!

  4. I find it interesting that you are saying something about the common people with your artwork.
